Community Covenant

I understand that the purpose of Summit 2023 is to glorify Jesus Christ individually and in community in attitude and action. Living with intentionality can foster a great time of fellowship together and build loving community within the context of this conference. I understand the need to be responsible traveling and throughout Summit 2023 and I realize that my actions do affect the safety and intentional community of this conference.

*Each Yearly Meeting/Region is responsible for maintaining appropriate background checks on all adults attending Summit 2023.

Community Covenant

As we have conversations and share our lives together over the next few days, we understand that our community of Friends is coming together from many different places and experiences. In order for us to fully, humbly, and lovingly represent the Body of Christ gathered together, we invite the Holy Spirit to work in our midst and bring unity and grace among all our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

As a community at Friends Summit we agree that: 

*We will be COMPATIBLE with and RESPECTFUL towards EFC- NA Jesus Christ-centered beliefs.

*We will SUSPEND JUDGMENT by allowing space between judgments and reactions and listening with empathy to each other. By turning to wonder instead of becoming judgmental or cynical. “I wonder why they shared that story or made those choices?” “I wonder what God is trying to teach me?” 

*We will BE FULLY PRESENT by setting aside the usual distractions of things undone from yesterday and things to do tomorrow.

*We will recognize that WE COME AS EQUALS, as part of the priesthood of all believers. We don’t have the same gifts, limits or experiences, but no gifts, limits or experiences are more or less important than another.

*We will remember to REFRAIN FROM FIXING. We are not here to set someone else straight, right a wrong, or provide therapy. 

*We will LEAN ON THE PROMISES OF GOD’S FAITHFULNESS, trusting that we can emerge from our time together refreshed, surprised, and hopeful that the seeds God planted will bloom in His timing.